Our story

Portrait de la Famille Coe

This is why we decided to move to Southern Brittany, France

Our story started when Sabine moved to England in December 2000, for what she thought would be a « gap year », to escape the Parisian rat race.

Very quickly though, she realised God had plans for her in England: she met Rob and they got married in September 2001.

Elliot was born in 2003 and Abigaël in 2007. They are both 100% English and 100% French, how wonderful is that!!

We always lived in Swindon, in Wiltshire, which is in the South West of England, where Rob was born and where all his family still lives.

In August 2015, while on holiday in Spain, Sabine clearly heard God speak to her, saying « it’s time to come home ». When she told Rob, he immediately said: « yes, we’ll be sure by Christmas that this is from God, we’ll go to « spy the land » at Easter and we’ll move next August! »

At the end of October, we told the children who at first were in shock. Shortly after, we asked God to confirm his word to us: we asked that the name « Columbus » (which sounded a lot like the name of our village) would appear out of the blue. A few weeks later, Rob noticed he was working on a server called « Columbus ».

At around the same time, Abigaël had a dream: we were all in a café in France, its walls were dark purple or black and she saw a bear at the window. As she didn’t know the name of the café, we suggested to her to ask Jesus again… and then we forgot all about it!

However, a week before we were due to travel to Brittany at Easter, Abigaël was in a school assembly and they were talking about Christopher Columbus. She then remembered the dream and felt that Jesus was telling her that the café was called « Columbus café ». When she told us, we were puzzled: Sabine had never heard of cafés with this name and we didn’t have much hope that any café like that existed in France. However, to test our faith we decided to check on Google and this is what we found:

Columbus café Vannes

How amazing! The walls were black and there was a bear at the window, because it was part of their logo!!!! This was exactly the one that Abigaël had seen on her dream, even if she had never ever been there in her life! And it is located at about a 20 minutes drive from our house!

We then understood that God was sending us to Southern Brittany, to that particular house and this is why we moved in August 2016!

On this blog, we are going to share with you our adventures, the work that needs to be done to the house and everything that we are going to (re) discover in France, as for Rob, Elliot and Abigaël, this is a big leap into the unknown, although we already know the area, because we’ve been there on holiday over many years.

If you are interested in our story, please ‘like’ our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.

If you wonder how one can hear God’s voice and be guided by him in the 21st Century, please contact us by mail at sabine@famillecoe.fr.

Thank you for visiting!

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